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    Lift Spirits, Soothe Pain

    Try these low-impact activities to relieve stress, boost your mood, and improve flexibility to help achieve Whole Health.


    Deep Breathing

    1. - While standing or in an otherwise relaxed position, place one hand on the abdomen and one on the chest.
    2. - Inhale slowly through the nose.
    3. - Hold for 4 seconds.
    4. - Exhale slowly through the mouth.
    5. - Repeat.



    - Stage a dance party.

    - Put on your favorite music.

    - Dance like no one is watching.

    - Invite the other members of your household to join in!


    Practice Yoga

    Yoga may help relieve low-back and neck pain, and may help people with chronic conditions manage symptoms and improve quality of life.


    Try bridge pose to strengthen your lower back.

    •  Lie on your back with both knees bent and your feet flat on the floor.
    • With arms lying at your sides, tighten stomach muscles, squeeze buttocks, and slowly raise your hips into the air. Hold for 5 second and then slowly bring the buttocks back to the floor.
    • Repeat 20 times.
    1. Sources
    2. https://www.ors.od.nih.gov/sr/dohs/HealthAndWellness/Ergonomics/Pages/exercises.aspx
    3. https://www.cdc.gov/workplacehealthpromotion/initiatives/resourcecenter/pdf/Workplace-Physical-Activity-Break-Guide-508.pdf
    4. https://www.nccih.nih.gov/health/yoga-what-you-need-to-know
    5. https://www.ors.od.nih.gov/sr/dohs/HealthAndWellness/Ergonomics/Pages/exercises.aspx