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    How to plan your vaccine around summer plans


    Summer is rapidly approaching and invitations to backyard BBQs, summer camps and in-person hangouts are on their way as well. How do you safely prepare to enjoy your summer when it comes to COVID-19? 


    The best and most effective way to protect yourself, your family and your community is to get vaccinated. Vaccines are available by appointment or walk-in and with the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine now authorized to be administered in children ages 12+, more and more of us have the opportunity to protect ourselves. Keep in mind it takes two weeks after your last dose for your body to be considered “fully vaccinated.” Here’s the total amount of time it takes for each vaccine to hit that milestone: 


    • Moderna: 6 weeks (4 weeks between doses + 2 weeks)

    • Pfizer: 5 weeks (3 weeks between doses + 2 weeks)

    • Johnson & Johnson/Janssen: 2 weeks (1 dose + 2 weeks)


    If you’re making summer plans, factor in your vaccination schedule and aim to wait until you’ve hit the fully vaccinated mark before embarking on your adventures. 


    If you’re not able to wait until you’ve hit your fully vaccinated point, continue to practice safety measures. Wear a mask & social distance, wash your hands often, and try to avoid activities that are less safe like crowded outdoor events or indoor events or activities with unvaccinated people. It’s also really important to get *both* doses of your COVID-19 vaccine if required; your vaccine won’t hit its full protection potential without getting both prescribed doses. 


    If you are traveling, be sure to check the latest reports to see if there are any recent outbreaks that could impact your visit. If you’re travelling outside the U.S., be sure to check the latest restrictions for your destination; the U.S. Dept. of State has some helpful resources


    Keep in mind that testing is still a critical part of keeping our communities safe. If you’re not yet vaccinated and planning on visiting people you haven’t seen in a while, get tested beforehand. At Rite Aid, we offer same-day testing, but it still takes a few days to get results, so be sure to plan a few days in advance. 


    We’re excited that opportunities to see each other are returning, and with your help getting yourself and your community vaccinated, we can work towards ending this pandemic together. 


    To schedule an appointment or learn more, visit our COVID-19 vaccine page.